

  • It is an apprentice who has successfully passed the exam for the title of journeyman
  • It is a person who has not qualified as an apprentice in a craft subject, but who has been practicing the craft for at least 3 years and has successfully passed the exam for the title of a journeyman.
  • Possesses an equivalent qualification with the journeyman, for equivalence decides the National Chamber of Crafts

In the exam for obtaining the title "Journeyman", it is determined whether the person possesses the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for the non-independent exercise of the respective craft.


Albanian National Chamber of Crafts

Tel/fax: +35542204272/70

Mob: +355697556384

Bulevardi Bajram Curri,
Godina 2 kate brenda ambjenteve te Drejtorise Rajonale te Arsimit dhe Formimit Profesional DRAFP Nr.4,
Tirana/ Albania.